The aim of our music curriculum is to provide all children in our school with opportunities to perform, compose and appraise a wide range and styles of music. We base our music curriculum around the key strands of the National Curriculum and also have in place a clear skills progression document. Through whole class music lessons, we provide all children with the opportunity to learn to play an instrument/ instruments. As well as this, from Year 4, we enhance our music curriculum further by providing all children to opt into peripatetic music lessons for: brass, drums, guitar, keyboard and woodwind. In both key stages, children are involved in key stage weekly singing sessions and we have a thriving school choir which performs within school as well as within our wider community.
As well as learning key skills, we are passionate that our music curriculum is something our children enjoy. By the end of their time at Belle Vue, all children will have performed within school, our local community and the wider community.