At Belle Vue Primary School we believe that Art should excite creativity, imagination and inventiveness. We give children the skills, concepts and knowledge to equip them for their learning and support them to be the best they can be! We use first-hand experience based on a wide range of exciting stimuli to give our children a rich and varied art curriculum carefully planned and linked to their topic.
In Belle Vue Primary School Art goes beyond the classroom environment. We offer after school Art Clubs, encouraging children to plan their own Art sequence and be as creative as they can be! Local Artists are invited into school to share their experiences with the children and work alongside them to develop their skills in particular areas.
Sketch books are paramount to the development of childrens skills, and they take children on an exciting art journey to reach their final piece. Children are confident to talk about their sketch books and the process which they have gone through to achieve their outcomes. They share their work with others and give and receive feedback to help them improve their work.
Please find below the Art Progression of Skills document, which shows the key skills covered across the school. Also, there is an Art gallery, displaying some of the wonderful Art we do here in Belle Vue Primary School!