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Belle Vue Primary School



Our aim is to provide an enriched and engaging writing curriculum which is inclusive and aspirational in its approach. Writing within the English and wider curriculum has been carefully considered to enable our pupils to become confident and creative writers. We know writing ability impacts on the future outcomes, learning and development of children and ensuring they gain valuable transferrable writing skills which build and prepare them for their future lives is essential. Through our teaching of writing, we intend to impart pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals.


We want to prepare children with regular teaching and practise of the key skills of transcription. Our aim is for children to become proficient in spelling, punctuation and grammar as well as be able to use a joined, legible and increasingly efficient handwriting script. The fluency in these skills will ensure they do not hinder the enjoyment or creative writing process and they can go onto be proficient and prolific writers.


The exposure to high quality stimuli and texts which model excellent writing, across a broad range of genres, provide engaging hooks to capture pupils’ imagination. We aim to provide the children with varied reasons for writing and believe that this not only produces higher quality writing, but allows our learners to apply their skills to a range of different contexts and across the curriculum. Children have the opportunity to write for a range of genres, purposes and audiences which carefully consider the desired effect on the reader.


Oracy is prioritised in our writing curriculum as we believe it is key our pupils’ development as writers. Discussion and questioning about texts deepen understanding, oral rehearsal before writing as well as producing oral presentations of their learning all increase enjoyment, progression and understanding as well as preparing our children with the tools they need in order to be successful in their writing.


Children in Belle Vue are challenged and encouraged to take risks and view mistakes as a positive part of the learning process. All pupils know how to plan, practise and evaluate their own work as well as carry out an effective edit and improvement process using feedback from their peers and teaching staff. All stages of the writing process are valued and celebrated as a learning journey in which our children are encouraged to have high expectations of themselves as writers and take pride in all aspects as well as in everything they produce.


Our writing curriculum is inclusive of all children, including children with special educational needs with our aim for ALL learners to achieve their full potential in writing. We are committed to providing the appropriate scaffolding, support and writing tools to those children when needed so they experience independence and success.


We aim to unlock the writer within every child!


Further information about our approach to the teaching of writing can be found in the document below:



Approaches to the teaching of writing in Belle Vue - this document is currently being reviewed, February 2025

Progression of Skills in SPaG
