Welcome to Belle Vue Primary School! We hope that our website provides the information you need. If not, do not hesitate to get in touch!
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Belle Vue Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4


Below you will find key information regarding Year 4, as well as a selection of photos from many of the exciting trips and events the children have taken part in over the year. 

The Year 4 Team

Mrs Messenger

Mrs Devlin

Miss Blair

Mrs Shannan

Mrs Cuthbert

Key Information


  • Homework

         Maths: Maths homework will be given out on a Friday and we will then mark it as a class the following Friday.

         This will be a paper based activity to be completed in their homework books. 

         Times Tables:  Children have been given their personal logins to access the website at home and should follow the 'little but often' rule of regular practice (at least three times a week). We would like the children to complete 15 minutes on Gig and 2 sound check games!

          Reading: It is expected that children read at least 3 times a week and have their record signed as evidence of this. 

          Spellings: Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.

  • Physical Education (P.E.)

         P.E will take place on a Monday afternoon during next half term where we will do gymnastics! However, children should have P.E. kits in school every day. We also ask that they have suitable kit for both indoors and outdoors.

Special events


Anglo-Saxon day - Tuesday 24th September 


Family book blanket afternoon - Tuesday 1st October from 2-3.15pm. We would like to invite a family member to take part in a reading for pleasure book blanket afternoon with your child. This will be a lovely opportunity to enjoy a selection of texts from our new and exciting range of books as well as a chance to chat and meet with staff and visit your child's classroom. 


York - 27th - 28th March 2025 - Parents and carers are invited to an information evening on Wednesday 12th February at 5.15pm.

Many thanks 


Y4 Book Blanket parent afternoon

Real Dance 🕺 💃

Christingle with Fay from the Church of Nazarene

Our Eric Joyner creativity afternoon - using paint and lego!

Geography - Identifying features of a river using clay.

Practical Maths for length and perimeter

Year 4 - Creating audio files in computing! We hope you enjoy our Weather reports.

Year 4 Cyclewise
