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Belle Vue Primary School

Archived Reception 2019-2020


Hello to our boys and girls and Mams and Dads. We hope you have all had a lovely weekend!


This is a little note to say as of tomorrow we know that a lot of our boys & girls are returning to school. We hope you are all just as excited as we are at coming back.


Although this is the case for some of you, there are also some of you who are continuing to learn at home, so we wanted to reassure you that your home learning will continue just the same as it has done during this period and will continue to do so over the next 4 weeks.


We are still here to communicate with through tapestry either via this post or your individual child's communication post too. This may be after the school day or possibly on a Friday due to all of the recpeption staff returning tomorrow.


On behalf of our whole team, I would like to thank ALL of you for your hard work, dedication and strong resilience at persisting with your home learning for the past 12 or so weeks. It has been a challenging time for all of us and we hope we can see all of the boys and girls soon.


Many thanks, your Early Years team

🌈 🌟 🌟🌈 🌟 🌟🌈 🌈 🌟 🌟🌈 🌈


Our topic this half term is SUPERHEROES!

Also there are several new posts on tapestry linked to differentiated Read, Write Inc sessions.


The white rose website (details below) will also be updated as of today with some new maths ideas as well. 


Please remember that you are all doing a fantastic job and we are all really loving seeing your posts on tapestry. If any of you have any questions or require some support this week, please contact any of us directly via your communication post. 


Take care everyone, we are all missing your faces and personalities so, so much.


Your Early Years team 





As a school, we follow White Rose maths schemes for mathematics and this is consistent from reception through to Year 6. Below is a link to the white rose hub website where you will find helpful videos and activities linked to the specific maths we would be focusing on if we were in class.


These are designed for reception children to be interactive and although they are maths focused, it doesn't necessarily mean sitting down doing maths written work. The videos are very helpful and fun, and will talk you through each activity step by step. Again, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us via your child's individual tapestry post. Enjoy your maths children!

RSB star of the week is Rosie

Our final star of the week in RFT is Isobella!

Our final star of the week in RFT is Isabela!

As part of our work on Zog we have painted dragon’s eyes

What a fabulous week of home learning 8th - 12th June. Our reception children truly are super 🌟

More photos of home learning. You are all incredible. It’s wonderful to see so many fantastic photos

These mini beasts completed on busy things are superb!

Some more amazing work from this week. We are so proud of you all.

There has been some amazing work completed on busy things. Here is just a selection of some of the brilliant assignments completed. Well done!

Fantastic work WB 20th April. Well done boys and girls. We are proud of you!

Cloud boy pictures
