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Belle Vue Primary School

Pupil Leadership


At Belle Vue, we believe that pupil leadership plays a central part in developing confident, well-rounded young people who will go on to make a real difference in the world. By offering a range of leadership roles and responsibilities across the school, such as Team Captains, School Council, Eco-Council, Playground Leaders, School Games Crew and Subject Ambassadors, pupils have the opportunity to develop their confidence and ability to work alongside others in order to make real changes.


A central part of this idea is that pupil voice is pivotal in driving forward this change. Through empowering our student bodies to work proactively alongside their peers, we can ensure that pupils’ opinions are heard and, importantly, acted upon. This, in essence, is real leadership in action: on an individual level, children are leaders in voicing their own opinion; on a school level, leaders of our student bodies then turn these opinions into a reality, thus creating change for the better.


Please click on the links below to see some of our pupil leaders in action!
