Welcome to Belle Vue Primary School! We hope that our website provides the information you need. If not, do not hesitate to get in touch!
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Belle Vue Primary School



There are 2 classes in Reception, Class RBF and Class RKJ. Mrs Brooks and Mrs French teach in RBF and Miss Jessamine in RKJ. We also have 5 wonderful teaching assistants who work with the children each day. Mrs Gregan, Miss Richardson, Mrs Brown, Mrs Vorley and Mrs Dunlop.


We are so pleased to share some information with you about our wonderful children and how their time will be spent in Reception. Keep checking in on this page to see what our children have been up to! 


Please click on the link below for an overview of the topics that we cover each half term. For a detailed curriculum map please follow the links in "Curriculum".


In the Autumn term, we cover the topic 'All about me'. This allows us to explore our school area and grounds and discover our skills and talents within the classroom! Our children access our continuous provision accessing a wide range of activities. 

Some of our highlights of the topic are: 

* painting self portraits and also beginning to draw ourselves (which we then repeat each half term),

* using our senses to explore and discover Autumn and discussing the items we find on our Autumn walk,

* accessing our outdoor area and wonderful school grounds for exploring and learning opportunities. 

* celebrating two festivals: Diwali and Christmas and also performing our Harvest Assembly and Christmas nativity to our parents.

Keep an eye out for pictures being added over the coming weeks.
