Welcome to the Year 1 page
Please find below general information for your child in Year 1.
PE days are different for both classes this year. Class 1DC's PE day is every Monday afternoon. Class 1AT's PE day is every Tuesday afternoon. Please provide your child with both a dry and wet weather PE kit, due to us using both our outdoor and indoor spaces throughout the year.
Please make sure earings are removed or covered. Thank you.
Reading - The children are expected to read at least three times a week. Each week they will bring home a phonetically decodable book at their level. This will have been read several times in school and your child should be able to practise for further fluency with it at home. Some children may bring an additional reading book for further challenge. These will be changed each Friday.
Additionally, they will choose a 'reading for pleasure' book every week. The book they may choose could be a challenging reading level for them and is intended to be shared with an adult at home. These will be changed every Thursday during our reading for pleasure sessions.
Maths - The children need to access Numbots three times a week for 10 minutes at a time. Numbots log ins can be found on the inside sleeve of your child's reading record.
Spelling - The children will be given a new spelling list to practise every Monday. These will include a phoneme or spelling pattern and a common exception word we have been practising in school. We will complete a short assessment of the learning each Friday.
Thank you,
Year 1 Team
Mrs. Cannon & Mrs. Temple & ,Mrs Aitchison (Class Teachers)
Mrs. Giddins, Miss. Hetherington, Miss. Bulman, Miss Keal & Mrs Brown (Teaching Assistants)