Year 3, I can not believe that this is our final week! You have worked so hard this year and you definitely deserve a nice break throughout the summer holidays. Myself and all of the year 3 team loved seeing you in school this week for our assemblies and we can not wait to see you again in September. Enjoy your final week of home learning!
Take care and stay safe
Miss Wharton and all of the year 3 team
I can not believe that this will be our second last week of home learning in year 3! I hope you enjoy the activities for this week and we are looking forward to seeing you in person at our class assemblies on Wednesday. I can not wait to see 3AW at 10 am and I know Miss Nash and Mr Meaton are really looking forward to seeing 3RN at 11 am.
Take care and keep smiling.
Miss Wharton, Mr Meaton and the year 3 team.
Year 3, we are so proud of you for all of the hard work that you are doing at home. We know you are missing school and we are missing you so much. We hope that you enjoy the activities for this weeks home learning and we can not wait to see and hear about what you have been up to. Remember to just do what you can.
Take care
Miss Wharton and the year 3 team
Please find below all the documents that you will need for this weeks home learning. For English we will continue with the Talk for Writing booklet, Journey into the Jungle. For maths we`` will use White Rose.We are back following the normal lessons. This is new learning for the children this week. We have included some more BBC Bitesize lessons for the children to try and this week it is National Sports Week at Home. Please register your child at the website below and send us some pictures of them completing some of the activities.
As always, just do what you can. You are all doing a great job. If you have any questions please just ask! Like last week, Miss Airey will continue to reply to emails and Mr Meaton and myself will be starting to make phones calls to have a quick catch up and a chat to the children. We are really looking forward to speaking to you all.
Take care
Miss Wharton and the year 3 team
Please find below all of the documents to help with this weeks home learning. We will continue with White Rose for maths and for English we will be using a Talk for Writing unit. This unit will last for two weeks and on the home learning menu you will find the tasks that we would like you to complete each day. Please do not worry if you can not print the booklet out, the children can write straight into their English books. There is no new home learning menu, instead we have added some links to topic lessons that the children might like to try. Remember to just do what you can. As always, any questions please just send us an email and we will be happy to help.
As the year 3 team are all now back in school, Miss Airey will be replying to emails from Monday. We will still be looking at all of the super work that you are doing.
Take care
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton
Please find below all of the documents that you need for this weeks home learning. Remember to just do what you can. There is no expectation for you to do it all. Lets hope the nice weather returns so that the children can enjoy some more time outside in the sun .... and the adults!
Take care
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton
Below are the documents that you will need to help support your child with their home learning. If you do not have access to a printer do not worry you do not need to print anything out. Get the children to just write their answers in the exercise books that were provided by school in their home learning pack. Like before half term, we are following the White Rose alternative lessons and therefore you will need to follow the video link under each day.
As always, just do what you can. There is no expectation for everything to be completed.
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton
Well, it is our final week before half term. Below are all of the documents that you will need to help support your child's home learning. Please note that the English unit is a two week block and therefore the full booklet does not need completing this week. Each day we have told you which pages / activities to do. For maths, we are following the White Rose alternative lessons as we have already covered the fractions block at the start of our home learning journey. As always, there is no expectation for you to complete all of the activities set, just do what you can.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton
Below are the documents to help support this weeks home learning. Please remember that there is no expectation from us for it all to be completed, just do what you can. You are all doing a fantastic job. We are really enjoying seeing all of the lovely things that you have been getting up to at home.
Stay safe and keep smiling
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton
Thank you so much to both the children and parents for all of your hard work and commitment to the home learning activities. We have been blown away by the high quality work that we are seeing. You really are amazing!
Below are the activities for home learning starting on Monday 4th May. Please note that there is no home learning for Friday as it is a bank holiday.
keep sending pictures of all the lovely things that you are doing at home. It really puts a smile on our faces to see your lovely smiling faces. Take care, stay safe and have fun.
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton
Below are all the documents that you will need to help you with this weeks home learning. Please note that the Friday maths challenge is not released until Friday morning on the White Rose web site. Thank you to both the children and the parents for all of your hard work over the past few weeks, we know that home learning does have its challenges, but you are all doing an amazing job. Please remember to send us any fantastic work.
Take care and stay safe
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton
Below are the documents that your child will need to help them with their home learning this week. Each day there is a powerpoint to guide them through Spelling, Reading, English and Maths work. This has also been saved as a pdf document so that hopefully you will be able to access one of them. If you are struggling to open either file please get in touch and we can send you an alternative version. There is an exciting new home learning menu which is for the next three weeks. We have added some documents which might help you complete some of the activities on it. Please just do as much as you are able to do with your child, we understand that these are challenging times. We are very much looking forward to seeing any of the children's super work, remember it can be emailed to us at
Take care and stay safe
Miss Wharton and Mr Meaton